I have a fastq file - I want a PHG path
This walks through step by step how to use an existing PHG to go from fastq (WGS or GBS) to a PHG path
Workflow Summary
The workflow proceeds through a few distinct steps. The pipeline can run up to any of these steps:
- Write haplotypes to a pangenome.fa fasta
- Map reads (e.g. WGS or GBS fastq files) to the pangenome.fa using minimap2
- Use the reads to find the most likely path for each taxon through the Haplotype Graph
- Write the variants on each path to a VCF file
Quick Start
1. Start up a terminal
For example, at Cornell we log into CBSU:
ssh user123@cbsumm123.tc.cornell.edu
2. Install the PHG and liquibase docker on your computer
(IMPORTANT: on CBSU machines use docker1 instead of docker for all commands)
docker pull maizegenetics/phg
docker pull maizegenetics/phg_liquibase
3. Next create the needed directory structure in a high speed working directory
(note: on CBSU machines this must be in your machine's local storage i.e. '/workdir')
cd /workdir/user123
mkdir phgwd
docker run --name create_directory --rm \
-v ${WORKING_DIR}/:/phg/ \
-t maizegenetics/phg:latest \
/tassel-5-standalone/run_pipeline.pl -debug -MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin -workingDir /phg/ -endPlugin
If you are on a CBSU machine, you may need to claim the directory in order to add your files, e.g.
docker claim /workdir/user123/phgwd/
4. Move files into the appropriate folders.
For example, fastq files should go into: '/workdir/user123/phgwd/inputDir/imputation/fastq`
If you already have a pangenome fasta and index, they go into: '/workdir/user123/phgwd/outputDir/pangenome/`
Your config and read mapping sample key files can go in the base directory: '/workdir/user123/phgwd/'
For transferring files, at CBSU we like to use FileZilla - and follow these directions.
5. Create a tab-delimited (.txt) read mapping keyfile with information about reads to be imputed. cultivar, flowcell_lane and filename are required columns.
cultivar is the name that the sample will be given in the db. flowcell_lane can be a dummy variable.
cultivar flowcell_lane filename PlateID
RecLineB1RefA1gco4_wgs wgsFlowcell RecLineB1RefA1gco4_R1.fastq wgs
RecLineB1RefA1gco4_gbs gbsFlowcell RecLineB1RefA1gco4_R1_gbs.fastq gbs
RecRefA1LineBgco6_wgs wgsFlowcell RecRefA1LineBgco6_R1.fastq wgs
RecRefA1LineBgco6_gbs gbsFlowcell RecRefA1LineBgco6_R1_gbs.fastq gbs
6. Create a config file and fill the variables with UNASSIGNED values.
These variables with UNASSIGNED values are user-defined variables that will name how the data is stored with the values set on them. Other variables set parameters for each of the steps. The config file is set up in "chunks" that control individual steps of the imputation pipeline. See "Details" section at bottom of page for in-depth information.
# Imputation Pipeline parameters for fastq or SAM files
# How are strings parsed.
#!!! Required Parameters !!!
#--- Database ---
#Database parameters will be specific to the database you are using
#Name of DB (if sqlite include path, e.g. /workdir/user123/phgwd/phg_maize.db)
#--- Used by liquibase to check DB version ---
#--- Used for writing a pangenome reference fasta (not needed when inputType=vcf) ---
#pangenomeHaplotypeMethod describes the set of haplotypes used to construct the pangenome fasta
#e.g. pangenomeHaplotypeMethod=mummer4 (or can include FocusRegion -- i.e. haplotype method name, RefRange method name)
#--- Used for mapping reads
#readMethod is the user-defined name for read mapping of parameters. e.g. readMethod=fastq_normal_error
#--- Used for path finding
#pathHaplotypeMethod is the input graph to use and can be restricted to certain reference ranges
#e.g. pathHaplotypeMethod=mummer4,FocusRegion -- i.e. haplotype method name, RefRange method name
#pathMethod is the user-defined name for path finding parameters. e.g. pathMethod=pathMethod_2020_12_15
# used by haploid path finding only
# used by diploid path finding only
#--- Used to output a vcf file for pathMethod
#e.g. outVcfFile=/phg/outputDir/myVCF.vcf.gz
#~~~ Optional Parameters ~~~
7. Run one of the commands in the examples section.
8. View haplotypes with rPHG
Examples: Executing workflows
In the examples below, all log and debug messages will be written to the console. To write them to a log file append
> /path/to/logfile.log
or &> /path/to/logfile.log
to the end of your command. In the first format, stdout will be written to the log file and stderr
will be written to the console. In the second format, both stdout and stderr will be written to file.
imputeTarget, which describes the endpoint at which the workflow will stop, must equal one of pangenome, path, diploidPath, pathToVCF, or diploidPathToVCF. All steps required to reach the endpoint will be executed. If any of the steps have already been run, they will not be repeated but will be skipped instead.
A. Create a pangenome fasta file then stop
- config file parameters that need to be set: DB, pangenomeHaplotypeMethod
- command:
docker run --name pipeline_container --rm -v ${WORKING_DIR}:/phg/ \
-t maizegenetics/phg:latest /tassel-5-standalone/run_pipeline.pl -Xmx20G -debug \
-configParameters /phg/myConfigFile.txt -ImputePipelinePlugin -imputeTarget pangenome -endPlugin
- result: The pangenome fasta and index will be written.
B. Impute variants from fastq files - homozygous
- config file parameter to set: inputType=fastq
- command:
docker run --name pipeline_container --rm -v ${WORKING_DIR}:/phg/ \
-t maizegenetics/phg:latest /tassel-5-standalone/run_pipeline.pl -Xmx20G -debug \
-configParameters /phg/myConfigFile.txt -ImputePipelinePlugin -imputeTarget path -endPlugin
- result: Read mapping counts and imputed paths will be stored in the PHG database.
C. Impute variants from fastq files - heterozygous
- config file parameter to set: inputType=fastq
- command:
docker run --name pipeline_container --rm -v ${WORKING_DIR}:/phg/ \
-t maizegenetics/phg:latest /tassel-5-standalone/run_pipeline.pl -Xmx20G -debug \
-configParameters /phg/myConfigFile.txt -ImputePipelinePlugin -imputeTarget diploidPath -endPlugin
- result: Read mapping counts and imputed paths will be stored in the PHG database.
D. Impute variants from a VCF file - homozygous
- config file parameter to set: inputType=vcf
- command:
docker run --name pipeline_container --rm -v ${WORKING_DIR}:/phg/ \
-t maizegenetics/phg:latest /tassel-5-standalone/run_pipeline.pl -Xmx20G -debug \
-configParameters /phg/myConfigFile.txt -ImputePipelinePlugin -imputeTarget path -endPlugin
- result: Read mapping counts and imputed paths will be stored in the PHG database.
E. Export imputed VCF from fastq files - homozygous
- config file parameters to set: inputType=fastq, outVcfFile=/path/to/vcf_output.vcf
- command:
docker run --name pipeline_container --rm -v ${WORKING_DIR}:/phg/ \
-t maizegenetics/phg:latest /tassel-5-standalone/run_pipeline.pl -Xmx20G -debug \
-configParameters /phg/myConfigFile.txt -ImputePipelinePlugin -imputeTarget pathToVCF -endPlugin
- result: Read mapping counts and imputed paths will be stored in the PHG database. Variants for all the paths stored for pathMethod will be written to a VCF file.
F. Export imputed VCF from fastq files - heterozygous
- config file parameters to set: inputType=fastq, outVcfFile=/path/to/vcf_output.vcf
- command:
docker run --name pipeline_container --rm -v ${WORKING_DIR}:/phg/ \
-t maizegenetics/phg:latest /tassel-5-standalone/run_pipeline.pl -Xmx20G -debug \
-configParameters /phg/myConfigFile.txt -ImputePipelinePlugin -imputeTarget diploidPathToVCF -endPlugin
- result: Read mapping counts and imputed paths will be stored in the PHG database. Variants for all the paths stored for pathMethod will be written to a VCF file.
Writing a config file
Before running the pipeline, you need to create a config file and put it in "baseDir" or some other directory accessible by the Docker. The config file name does not have to be config.txt. It also can be in any subdirectory of baseDir as long as the same file name location is used for -configParameters in the full pipeline command. Two sample config files are provided, one for imputing haplotypes from sequence in fastq or SAM files and another for imputing haplotypes from variants in a VCF file. Values of UNASSIGNED in a config file must be filled in before using it. See the section Setting parameters in the config file for more information about what those values should be.
To run the pipeline
The pipeline is run using a single TASSEL pipeline command. All of the parameters used by the pipeline are set in the config file. The following Docker command can be used to run the full pipeline, replacing baseDir, dockerImageName, and -Xmx10G with the appropriate values:
docker run --name pipeline_container --rm -v baseDir:/phg/ -t dockerImageName /tassel-5-standalone/run_pipeline.pl -Xmx10G -debug -configParameters /phg/config.txt -ImputePipelinePlugin -imputeTarget pathToVCF -endPlugin
When the pipeline is run it starts at the beginning and runs to the target. Possible values for imputeTarget are config, pangenome, map, path, diploidPath, pathToVCF, and diploidPathToVCF. "pangenome" stops after writing a pangenome fasta and using minimap2 to index it. "map" stops after mapping the sequence or variants to the pangenome haplotypes. "path" stops after writing the imputed paths to the database. In each case, prior steps in the pipeline already completed will not be rerun but will be skipped instead. Thus, read mappings or paths already computed will not be over-written.
Running the pipeline with different parameter settings
When reprocessing the same samples with different parameter settings, the method names must be changed. If the method names are not changed, then read mappings or paths will already exist for those sample names and will not be overwritten. If read mapping parameters used to create the pangenome change, new readMethod and pathMethod names must be used. If only path finding parameters change, then only change pathMethod. In that case the pipeline will use the existing readMethod data to compute new paths.
If an existing configuration file is modified with new parameter settings and method names, the new configuration file should be saved under a different name. The configuration files provide a record of how analyses were run.
Parameter values used for read mapping are stored in the database with readMethod the first time that method is used. If any of those parameter values are changed, then the readMethod name should be changed as well so that the database has an accurate record of parameter values associated with each method name. The same is true for pathMethod. Because the pangenome fasta and index are not stored in the database, the parameters used for the pangenome are not stored either. Instead, the haplotype method and indexing parameters are encoded in the file names.
Using a different aligner to map reads
The PHG pipeline uses minimap2 to map reads to a pangenome created from haplotypes in the PHG database. Users can choose to use a different aligner by first creating the pangenome then using an alternative aligner to create SAM or BAM files, which can then be used as inputs to the pipeline instead of fastq files. To create a pangenome fasta, run the pipeline with -imputeTarget pangenome. After the pangenome is created, then an alternative aligner can be used to map reads to the pangenome reference. It the output is saved as either a SAM or BAM file, then the other pipeline imputeTargets can be run with inputType=sam set in the config file.
Setting parameters in the config file
Database Parameters
The database parameters are required to make a connection to the PHG database.They are
- host
- user
- password
- DBtype
- DB
The default values are those needed to connect to a SQLite database and must be changed if using PostgreSQL. "DB", which is the path to the database does not have a default and is required.
Method names
- pangenomeHaplotypeMethod
- readMethod
- pathHaplotypeMethod
- pathMethod
The two xxxHaplotypeMethods must be set to a valid haplotype method, which can be a haplotype method or a comma-separated list of refRange group: haplotype method pairs. The pangenomeHaplotypeMethod describes the set of haplotypes used to construct the pangenome fasta. It can be any of the method names assigned to haplotypes when they were added to the database from assemblies or WGS or can be a consensus haplotype method. Both the pangenome writing step and the read mapping step have to use the same value for pangenomeHaplotypeMethod. As long as the same configuration file is used for both steps that happens automatically. The pathHaplotypeMethod describes the set of haplotypes to be used for pathing. It can be the same as the pangenomeHaplotypeMethod or a subset of it.
The same data can be imputed in many ways using different combinations of parameter settings. Each combination of settings must be assigned a unique method name by the user and the resulting data is stored in the database under that method name. The parameter values for each method are stored in the database under "method description" as a JSON formatted string. The readMethod is associated with the read mapping parameters. If any of the read mapping parameters are changed, the method name should be changed as well. The pathMethod is a user assigned name that is associated with a particular set of path finding and read mapping parameters.
Key files
Key files contain a list of samples and files to be processed. The parameter "keyFile" names the key file used to generate read mappings. The pipeline generates two additional key files from that. The pathing step uses a key file with the same name as the named read mapping keyFile plus the extension "_pathKeyFile.txt". The file with an extension of "_mappingIds.txt" is the original keyFile with the database ids of the stored read mappings. Generally, this will not be needed but can be used to generate specialized analyses. After the pipeline has been run, the _pathKeyFile and _mappingIds can be found in the same directory as keyFile.
More information about keyfiles can be found here
File locations
A few parameters are required to define expected locations of files. The default values work with the PHG Docker when MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin is used to create directories. These parameters are as follows:
- pangenomeDir [default = /phg/outputDir/pangenome/]
- fastqDir [default = /phg/inputDir/imputation/fastq/]
- samDir [default = /phg/inputDir/imputation/sam/]
- minimapLocation [default = minimap2]
- outVcfFile [no default, must be assigned a value if writing a VCF file]
Pangenome minimap2 index parameters
Check minimap2 manual for documentation
- indexKmerLength [minimap2 -k, default=21]
- indexWindowSize=11 [minimap2 -w, default=11]
- indexNumberBases=90G [minimap2 -I, default=90G]
Read mapping parameters with default values
- lowMemMode [default=true]
- maxRefRangeErr [default=0.25]
- outputSecondaryStats [default=false]
- maxSecondary [default=20]
- fParam [default=f1000,5000]
lowMemMode is an option that was introduced to reduce memory usage. It works so well that we recommend always using this setting and will probably remove the parameter at some point.
When a read is mapped to a pangenome, it may map equally well to multiple haplotypes. All mappings with the lowest edit distance are used. When some of those reads map to different reference ranges, only those mapping to the most frequently hit reference range are used. If the proportion of the mappings to other reference ranges exceeds maxRefRangeErr, that read is discarded. When this parameter is set to a lower value, fewer reads are used but overall mapping accuracy may improve. The impact on final imputation accuracy depends on the pangenome being mapped and on other parameter settings. The optimal value for this parameter will need to be determined empirically.
maxSecondary is the minimap2 -N parameter. When a read maps equally well to more than one haplotype, which is often the case, minimap2 calls one of those mappings the primary alignment and the rest secondary alignments. maxSecondary is the maximum number of secondary alignments saved. For that reason, maxSecondary should be greater than or equal to the maximum number of haplotypes per reference range. Otherwise, there may be a loss of imputation accuracy. fParam is the minimap2 -f parameter.
Pathing parameters with default values
- maxNodes [default=1000]
- minReads [default=1]
- minTaxa [default=20]
- minTransitionProb [default=0.001]
- numThreads [default=3]
- probCorrect [default=0.99]
- removeEqual [default=true]
- splitNodes [default=true]
- splitProb [default=0.99]
- algorithmType [default=efficient]
used by haploid path finding only
- maxReads [default=10000]
- usebf [default=false]
- minP [default=0.8]
used by diploid path finding only
- maxHap [default=11]
- maxReadsKB [default=100]
Reference ranges with more than maxNodes number of nodes or fewer than minTaxa taxa will not be used for imputation. For each sample, ranges are also eliminated that have fewer than minReads mapped to that range or more then maxReads (haploid pathing) or maxReadsKB (dipoid pathing) reads per KB of reference sequence. If removeEqual=true and minReads > 0, ranges for which all taxa have the same number of reads mapping to them will be eliminated.
After any ranges have been removed due to the filter criteria, a node with a zero-length haplotype is added for all taxa that have no haplotype in any given reference range. If splitNodes=true, nodes with more than one taxon are split into individual taxa. The transition probability between nodes of the same taxon are set to splitProb and the transition probability between a taxon and any other taxon is set to (1 - splitProb) / (n - 1) where n = number of taxa in the graph. The minimum value for any transition is set to minTransitionProb. It is recommended that minTransitionProbe <= (1 - splitProb) / (n - 1). It is recommended that splitNodes not be set to false because this generally leads to lower imputation accuracy. If splitNodes = false, the transition probability is set to the proportion of times that transition is observed in the haplotypes in the database while unobserved transitions are set to minTransition.
The number of threads that will be used to impute individual paths is numThreads - 2 because 2 threads are reserved for other operations. As a result, numThreads must be set to 4 or more in order to run pathing in parallel.
The algorithmType=classic uses the classic Viterbi (or forward-backward) algorithms. algorithmType=efficient uses a more efficient version of the algorithms but is considered experimental at this time pending more extensive testing.
When usebf=false, the Viterbi algorithm is used for pathing. If usebf=true, the forward-backward algorithm is used and only nodes with a probability of minP or greater will be included in the final path. The forward-backward algorithm has been implemented for haploid path finding but not for diploid path finding.
For diploid path finding, only ranges with maxHap haplotypes or fewer will be used.
Optional parameters
- pangenomeIndexName
- readMethodDescription
- pathMethodDescription
- debugDir
- bfInfoFile
To use the optional parameters in the configuration file, replace OPTIONAL with the appropriate value and uncomment the line.
*pangenomeIndexName is the name of an externally supplied pangenome index. It is best not to supply this values and instead to let the pipeline build and imdex the pangenome and assign the index name to ensure that it is compatible with the rest of the pipeline.
readMethodDescription and pathMethodDescription are optional user descriptions for these methods which will be included in the database description with the tag "notes=" in addition to the parameter values used for that method.
If a value is supplied for debugDir, for each sample fastq a text file containing the read mapping haplotype counts will be written. The same data will stored in the database whether or not a value is assigned to debugDir. Generally this is not needed but may be useful for debugging obscure problems.
When usebf=true, the forward-backward algorithm will calculate probabilities for every haplotype node in the graph. These values are used to determine which haplotypes are included in the path. If a value is supplied for bfInfoFile all of the haplotype probabilities will be written to that file.